Monday, July 11, 2011

Exploration of ECHO

Starting out on our trip for ECHO I really had no idea what to expect. My younger sister works with one of the interns from ECHO, so she had mentioned something about farming but it was no where near what I pictured. When the word "farm" is mentioned, all I normally think about is farms in the midwest with barns and acres of corn or other crops.

ECHO was a pleasant surprise, acres of land developed into different types of farms found all over the world. A miniature simulation of farms found in the rain forest, out in the country, or gardens developed in urban culture. There were several different types of animals from ducks, to chickens, rooster, goats and others that we did not even get to see.

We were able to taste different crops that are found and produced for food and medicinal values. Everything found on the farm is clean and natural, so while we were tasting crops we were also informed of the several different ways that to use the crop.

What I found most intriguing about ECHO was how resourceful all the interns are. The interns spend a year in their particular section trying different ways to be sustainable and resourceful in growing crops, and using what each climate has to be able to develop a good and healthy garden. These interns will go out into all areas of the world after their one year at ECHO is up. They will go out and teach farmers in undeveloped countries how to be successful at growing a garden while using the resources that are around them. Its an educational procedure that will also bring back growth and development to such areas.

I think if I had the urge to grow a garden I would be able to, but would want to do some research like the ECHO interns to learn the best possible way to achieve such a goal with using what is around me. In the past I have not really grown much plants, some flowers and the occasional spices but that is about it. I have a friend that lives in Gainesville and she is growing tomato and lettuce plants in her apartment, so it is definitely possible to grow anything you want as long you put your mind to it.

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