Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Final Impressions

My final impressions can be summed up within my fourth paper. All of the elements of the class between the readings, field trips and videos can be added up to the objectives of the course with providing students with the knowledge to understand sustainability and the foundations the school was founded on. 

Probably my favorite elements of the class were the King Corn video and the ECHO field trip. I feel that I have grown and learned the most from them. I knew about high fructose corn syrup but never realized the trickling effect that corn has all over. Never interested in gardening, I never even gave thought to farmers all around the world. The ECHO field trip really opens your eyes to some of the conditions that others have to deal with, and survive from. 

I don't really see the need for Fort Myers Beach trip, besides the wonderful host and narrator. She was completely charming and able to give her personal insight into the develop and growth of the beach. Having grown up in the area I felt like I could really appreciate what she had to say. But I don't think the Pass was a great experience. Besides just the overwhelming amount of mosquitoes, there wasn't much to really see and do that really drew me into the purpose of the trip. We saw mangroves downtown so there was a connection there, though. 

I enjoyed my service learning experience and was excited to take some portraits of the plant species and gardens in Naples Botanical Gardens. With being a marketing major I was able to make a brochure for the Gardens with information that was provided to me from the Volunteer manager and pictures I was able to take myself. It felt like a completion to the course to come out of the service learning feeling good and that I learned something. I have included some of the pictures that I took while at the Gardens in this blog.

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